Knappa School Board

Board Meeting Information

Board Meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm

Meetings are held in the KHS Library unless otherwise noted.


The meeting is in the "New Middle School Hub"

Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Board Meeting

Google Meet joining info
Knappa School Board Meeting
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 505-445-7266‬ PIN: ‪268 480 836‬#





"Virtual Public" comments can be taken during "Communications and Hearing of Interested Parties" or accepted by via email until 3:00 p.m. the day of meetings. 

The Board welcomes visitors to our meetings, and values comments from district patrons that improve the quality of education for students. The Board, at their discretion, will recognize comments from the audience. We must require, however, that complaints be directed through the administration for resolution. Comments made during this session must be free of abusive language, personal attacks on district personnel, and not directed towards any department which, due to its low staffing, would amount to an attack by in affect naming district personnel. We also ask that presentations be limited to (3) minutes.

Contact the Board Secretary


Meet Our KSD Board Members